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by ODG
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ODG Shifts the Paradigm for Virtual/Augmented Reality Headsets
The ODG (Osterhout Design Group) booth was super busy at CES 2017 showing off their R-8 and R-9 virtual reality/augmented reality headset glasses.
These next generation headset have Qualcomm processors inside, and are essentially a fully contained VR/AR based computer platform. Unlike other VR headsets which require you to connect to a computer or game console, or use your phone as the display, the R-8 and R-9 are completely self contained. Everything that you need to enjoy virtual reality is readily available as soon as you put on the headset glasses. This allows you to get stunning 1080p resolution on your headset and wide field of view.
The R-8 and R-9 demonstrated at CES also spotted a USB Type-C port so it will be interesting to see how that port is actually used when the product is finally released.
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