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Google Pixel Tech Support Can Be Hard to Contact When Traveling Outside the US

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Our Google Pixel phone all of a sudden stopped turning on while in Hong Kong. Unfortunately, Google's online support doesn't work so well when outside the US if you are traveling to places like Hong Kong which doesn't sell the Google Pixel.  

Because the Google Pixel couldn't turn on, we had to use our Chrome browser on the Mac to access technical support.

Unfortunately, because the Google support page saw that we were in Hong Kong, there was no option to contact Google.

The only option available from the Pixel or Nexus Device Support was related to having problems signing into the Google Account.

Fortunately, we had a VPN that could make our Mac look like it was on a US network. After the VPN was turned on, we could then see the contact options and request a chat.

Fortunately, after a series of questions, the Google Support was able to issue a RMA although the replacement was a refurbished Google Pixel which could only be shipped within the US.

Although Google support was helpful once we were able to get through to them, Google should also make it easier for overseas travelers to contact technical support no matter where they are especially if they have to use a Mac or PC browser to get help when the Google Pixel is dead.

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