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How the Apple iPhone 7 Charges With Its 5W USB Power Adapter

Product Review
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The iPhone 7 comes with a simple Apple 5W USB Power Adapter (5 volts @ 1 amps) charger and we saw in this review how long it took to completely charge.  

Let's see now what sort of voltage and current charging levels are used between the iPhone 7 and its 5 watts charger during the entire time it gets charged starting with the battery completely depleted.

The iPhone 7 charging voltage level stays around 4.8 volts but as the current drawn drops, eventually rises to a little over 5 volts.

The current level initially starts at .92 amps and then jumps to 1 amps.  After about an hour of charging the current starts dropping from 1 amps to .6 amps.  After than, the current drops at a more accelerated pace eventually going all the way down to .12 amps.

Total charging time observed was about 160 minutes with the power keeping at 4.8 watts during the first hour that the iPhone 7 charges the fastest.

This charging behavior is much different from the multi-level charging tiers seen with the iPhone 6s and the same Apple 5W USB Power Adapter as seen in this review.


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