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Track Your Fitbit Alta On the Le Max 2

Bluetooth SIG
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One of Fitbit high runners, the Fitbit Alta wearable can pair well with many smartphones including the Le Max 2. This stylish activity tracker like other Fitbits uses the Fitbit App to connect with the phone.

From Google Play, download and install the Fitbit App on the Le Max 2 if you do not have the App.

Since we already have a Fitbit account, logging in to the App is quick, and you will see the main dashboard.



To add the Fitbit Alta, look up 'Devices' from the upper left drop-down list. Select '+' and choose the 'Alta' tracker.



Now, select 'Set up your Fitbit Alta' and agree to the terms & policies. Make sure to enable Bluetooth to allow the App to detect the Alta device and sync with the Le Max 2.

The Fitbit App will then properly introduce you to the Alta on a nice user interface.


You will then need to key in a 4-digit code generated by the Alta to start connecting with the phone.


Then enter your name and continue to walk through the attractive visuals until setup is completed.






An interesting update you will get is the new Dashboard feature with an improved user interface.





The Fitbit App complements its Fitbit wearables well by providing a great workout experience on phones like the Le Max 2.

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